Plan Your Visit
Worship at Spanish River Church is rooted in the faithful preaching of the Scriptures, the hopeful and devoted praise of God our Savior, and a gracious welcome to all. Let us help answer your questions about SRC Kids, translation services, parking information, and what to wear.
Who We Are
For nearly sixty years, Spanish River Church has been passionate about bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in South Florida and around the world. SRC is a beautiful reflection of our region and city, a culturally diverse community of people from all areas of the US and many other countries and ethnicities. What we have in common is that our lives have been made new through Jesus Christ and that together we seek to glorify him in everything we do.
We desire to give glory to God through lives of service, provide encouragement and help to one another as we grow together in our faith, and show love to our neighbors and the world through the hope we’ve found in Christ. You’ll find us to be devoted to God in worship, to the Scriptures in learning, to one another in love, and to Christ’s mission through service and sharing the Good News of Christ with all.
Where We’re Going
We believe that every person needs Jesus and a great church where they can grow in their faith. The mission of SRC is to bring the transforming life and love of Jesus Christ to our members, neighbors, and the nations, in every generation, through the Gospel proclaimed in word, deed, and signs. We seek God’s glory in all things, the equipping of all believers for their mission, the expansion of Christ’s Kingdom in our world, and the good of our city through our work.
We value the Scriptures as God’s word, the welcome of all people to our worship services and gatherings, the flourishing of our community, and the unity and mission of the Church. We seek to practice extravagant generosity, faithful service, joyful hospitality, life-long discipleship and care, passionate worship, and above all else, the faithful preaching of the Gospel of Christ.
Learn More About Our Beliefs »
Ash Wednesday
You’re invited to a midday service of worship, prayer, reflection, and lamentation in the Connect Center. Ash Wednesday reminds us that while our lives on earth are temporary, Christ and His mercy is eternal.
Wednesday, March 5th
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Tap Here for Childcare »
We encourage you to join a team, make new friends, and be part of what God is doing here at Spanish River Church.
We want you to be known, cared for, and encouraged, and we believe one of the best ways is LifeGroups!
Family Ministries
All the way from Nurturing Your Newborn to SRC Young Adults, we want to partner with you in the most important ministry.
Bringing the transforming life and love of Jesus to our city.
If this is your first time visiting our website, we’d love an opportunity to get to know you and hear your story.
Learn More About Our Church »
Spanish River Church is a family on a mission to love God and love others. Motivated by our experience of God's tremendous love for us, we delight in sharing His love with others. We are discovering what it means to live generously and to enjoy the freedom of following Jesus.
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Read David’s Blog
Join David in the always-expanding adventure of growing in our Faith, Hope, & Love.
How Can We Pray
for You?
Tell us how we can pray for you, or share a story about how God has been faithful to you. Each week members of our staff and Pastoral team gather to pray for every request.

“Everything will live where the river goes”
-Ezekiel 47